What advice would you give to a patient to address the risk factors for lung cancer?
I would explain to the patient the risk factors of lung cancer. If their family has history of lung cancer or any cancer then all must be cautious of their lifestyle and health. There are also many ways to lower the risks of lung cancer such as first, stop smoking, avoid second hand smoke, reduce exposures subtances, eat more fruits and vegetables, have adequate water intake, exercise regularly, reduce or avoid alcohol intake and have yourself get screened regularly.
Here are ways to lower the risks of lung cancer.
1. Stop smoking or quit smoking - would be the best way to prevent the risk factor of lung cancer. Studies has shown that 90% of lung cancer are the caused of smoking cigarettes and tobacco.
Cigarettes contains many toxic ingredients such nicotine, folmaldehyde, benzene and arsenic. These all cause cancer and other respiratory diseases.
2. Avoid secondhand smoke- living or exposing yourself with a person who is smoking may increase your risk for lung cancer by 20- 30% chance.
Some ways you can also do is to seek out free smoke hotel, restaurants, bar, and other places.
Politely tell your visitors and neighbors not to smoke around you especially if you have children too.
3. Reduce exposures to substances- There are 5- 15% chance of getting lung cancer when you are exposed to these subtances such as arsenic, asbestos, berylium, cadmium, radon, nickel, fumes from coals and smoke, These substances are carcinogenic. Be sure that you avoid exposure to these or wear mask or protective gear to avoid inhaling.
4. Eat more fruits and vegetables- there are many benefits when you are eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily. There is 3% chance of reducing the risk of lung cancer. There are no specific fruits and vegetables but have variety of them because these are cancer fighting and prevent you from having cancer.
5. Drinking more water- drinking plenty of water is a good way to wash away the toxins in your body.
6. Exercise regularly- I believe that when you exercise regularly it will improved your lung function, lower the concentrations of carcinogens in the lungs and you will have stronger immune system that may prevent you from getting disease. It will also divert your mind to stop smoking or avoid smoking.
7. Get screened regularly- lung cancer screening reduces the risk by 20%. By identifying cancer early might help you to cause further problems.
Note: The material used to create the blog's content was obtained from research and current data.
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