Her first tooth was one of my baby's milestones that I had expected. For me, a baby's teething is a little frightening because the elderly told me, "The baby's teething." when they first come out , baby could feel cranky or irritable. And comforting and soothing the baby can sometimes be challenging.
How soon did my child's first tooth erupt?
Around the age of five months, my baby's first tooth appeared in the middle. There were two lower front teeth on her. Not all babies follow the tooth eruption chart and the timeline for tooth development, according to her pediatrician. One tooth at a time may come in some babies. Some parents' babies' first tooth may appear as early as three months old or as late as 14 months.
What are the signs my baby might be teething?
Contrary to some myths or common belief, my child did not have any typical teething symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, or diarrhea. None of these symptoms are supported by research. Every youngster has a different set of symptoms. Depending on how quickly the tooth erupts, some babies may experience pain, while others may not experience any pain at all or have pain and tenderness that lasts for several weeks.
But so far, my baby will always have these teething symptoms. Her gums were swollen, she drooled a little, she was a little grumpy, she wouldn't take the bottle or eat when it was time to feed, and she was restless during naps.
Other parents may notice that these symptoms could signal other things, but the combination of two or more of them together is most certainly an indication that the child is teething.
How did I treat teething pain?
Fortunately She didn't have a fever everytime her new teeth will come out . I used the soothing gel that her pediatrician had suggested to her inflamed gums.
I discontinue to give her a pacifier, as soon as her teeth came out. Because I believed it would harm her teeth. Also, I refrained from buying any teething aids like a teether or teething ring. I only offered her soft food and her favorite marie biscuit to chew on. She was kept quiet, relaxed, and asleep through a gentle rocking and cradling.
How did I look after the new tooth?
I was cleaning her teeth, gums, and tongue with dumped cotton balls and warm water. Every time she feeds, even before her tooth erupts, I make sure to wipe her mouth. I also brushed her teeth with a silicon brush. It is important to get rid of dangerous bacteria. I asked the dentist what kind of toothpaste and toothbrush she would suggest when my daughter turned one. She advised using a silicon toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to brush her teeth. I purchased a toothpaste without fluoride that is safe for babies to consume.
I'll start using a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush her teeth twice a day when she turns two.
Establishing a dental oral routine is important. Tooth decay can also occur in babies.. Baby teeth can suffer if they are put to sleep with a bottle. When sugars from milk, formula, or juice remain on a baby's teeth for a long time, they can damage the enamel (the layer of the tooth that protects against tooth decay). Baby bottle teeth decay may result from this.
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