Summer is coming and along with it comes higher electricity bill. For quick and simple ways to save energy, cut your bills, and lessen your carbon footprint, follow our suggestions and recommendations.
There are various options available to you, regardless of whether you own your house, rent privately or through a housing authority, you are a student, or live with your parents.
The energy we consume at home is a collective responsibility. See how much you can save on your costs by looking at the simple ideas below for the upcoming summer.
1. Set your thermostat at a nice comfortable temperature.
I had no understanding how my room's 1 HP double Inverter air conditioner operated when I originally bought it. I was really taken aback by the amount in my first month of use, especially because it was summer, even though I had anticipated the price to rise.
So I spoke to the electrician who fixed it, he said Keep the thermostat set 3-5 degrees Celsius below the ambient temperature outside. The amount of energy required to keep something cold increases with distance. For instance, if the outside temperature is 34°C and you set the air conditioner to 17°C, the difference between the two temperatures is 17°C. Because the air conditioner is working so hard to keep the interior temperature at that level, more electricity is being consumed. Hence, you will see that whether it's an air conditioner or a refrigerator, you'll observe that throughout the winter the electricity consumption decreases when the outside temperature approaches the interior temperature.
According to him, the air conditioner should only be set to the "comfortable" setting, and a fan should be used to add circulating air. Hence, when the temperature is 32°C, I just lower the setting to 27°C, and the fan simply exhausts the extra moisture and steam. The electricity bill went down. It truly depends on how cold you want it to be, but in terms of electricity use, the bigger the temperature difference, the harder the air conditioning machine will have to work, and the more energy use.
2. Stay in one room and use the AC and Fan together.
Another suggestion is to use the fan and AC simultaneously while staying in one room. By using a fan can help your air conditoner cool the room.
Both of our two rooms are air conditioned. My parents are staying in another room, and it has one fan. We have one fan in our room. Both the dining room and the living room have fans, one of which is smaller. I believe we can reduce our energy usage if we all sleep in a room with an AC and fan.
3. Purchase Energy Star Appliances for Example the Refrigerator
One of your home's top energy consumers is the refrigerator, which is particularly energy-intensive if it was built before 1993. To maintain your refrigerator functioning properly, clean the coils every six months, and fill empty space with water jugs to keep the cold in. If you have a second refrigerator, get rid of it.
In a typical home, 20% of the energy is used by appliances. Look for the most effective Energy Star model when it comes time to purchase new appliances. Select the one that best suits your demands, or go for units with a higher Energy Efficiency Factor because they are less expensive to run.
4. Disconnect all devices and appliances.
Stand-by power costs are eliminated by unplugging power lines. Due to stand-by power consumption, a 21-inch TV can increase our monthly electric cost by ₱800 to ₱1000.
Hence, consider how much money you will save by unplugging all of your appliances and gadgets when not in use.
To make unplugging items as simple as pushing a button, we purchased power boards and power strips.
5. Wash in full load in your Washing Machine.
Wash large loads, but don't overload your washing machine.
You can choose the appropriate detergent and use the right amount.
Avoid washing your clothes and excessively. Properly spin the clothes.
In addition, Consider using inverter technology. They are more cost-effective to operate than standard models and can reduce your washing machine expenses by up to 50%.
The post contains other sources and links. All opinions are based on my daily life,personal experiences, interests and activities.
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